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Letter of Intent Templates | PDF | RTF | Word

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A letter of intent is a form that identifies a person or entity’s good-faith interest in anything with a commitment of performance (may be binding). The letter will describe the terms under which it’s creator would agree to a deal or transaction. It can be written as binding or non-binding and if the person receiving the letter of intent agrees to such deal, then a formal contract is drafted.

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There are  four (4) main types;

  • Real Estate – For the purchase of commercial or residential property. The form will outline the terms and conditions a buyer would close on a property. If the owner agrees, then a standard purchase and sale agreement would follow.
  • Graduate School – A student who has a bachelor’s degree would that is interested in getting a commitment from a graduate school would use this document to state that if he or she got accepted, they would be bound to attend. This is recommended for students who have an average resume but looking for the graduate school to accept based on the fact that they would attend no matter what as long as they were accepted.
  • Medical – Medical schools are one of the toughest departments to be enrolled at any university. To help better an applicant’s chances, it is best to give your commitment on the basis that if the department accepts you, that you will be on the hook to enroll.
  • Employment – Use to request a job, like a resume, stating your credentials and the payment structure plus benefits that would make you interested in accepting the job or position. This type is usually structured so that if the payment request(s) are met by the employer, the applicant is not bound but expected to accept the position.

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