Download Louisiana Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Louisiana Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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In the state of Louisiana, a tax preparation professional who has been accepted into the IRS electronic filing program will be automatically accepted to E-file in Louisiana. Tax professional in Louisiana must file at least 90% of their state returns electronically.

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Tax Brackets

The state of Louisiana has six marginal tax brackets with the lowest being 2.00% to the highest Louisiana tax bracket at 6.00%.Different tax brackets in Louisiana apply to different filing situations. In Louisiana Married couples filing jointly will generally have a wider tax bracket than individual taxpayers.

Single Individuals Tax Bracket

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $12,500, you will pay 2.00% only
  • Earnings between $12,500.00 and $50,000, you will pay 4.00% + $250.00
  • Earnings over $50,000.00, you will pay 6.00% + $1,750.00

Married Couples Tax Bracket

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $25,000, you will pay 2.00% only
  • Earnings between $25,000.00 and $100,000, you will pay 4.00% + $500.00
  • Earnings over $100,000.00, you will pay 6.00% + $3,500.00


In the state of Louisiana a federal extension is acceptable as a Louisiana state extension. Should a federal extension not be submitted complete and file Louisiana state form R-2868.

Extension Mailing Address:

  • Louisiana Department of Revenue PO Box 3550 – Baton Rouge LA 70821-3550

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Louisiana Department of Revenue PO Box 3440 – Baton Rouge LA 70821-3440

Return without Refund:

  • Department of Revenue PO Box 3550 -Baton Rouge LA 70821-3550


  • Louisiana Department of Revenue PO Box 91007 – Baton Rouge LA 70821-9007


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