Download Louisiana Divorce Forms and Papers

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Louisiana Divorce Forms and Papers

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When filing Louisiana divorce papers on your own, it is recommended to in agreement with your spouse as to how to divide the marriage’s assets and liabilities. In all cases, with and without an attorney, one or both of the spouses must have been a State resident for at least 6 months.

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How to File For Divorce

Step 1 – If you and your spouse have not been separated for at least 180 days, fill out the petition 102. If you have been living separate for at least six months, fill out petition 103.

The largest hurdle to affecting a divorce in Louisiana without a lawyer is in successfully filling out the Marital Settlement Agreement. Here, you and your spouse agree in writing on how to divide all the assets and all the liabilities. It’s critical in another way, too, because once you and you spouse have signed it and filed it, it becomes a legally binding document. But, if you can get past this, the rest is easy.

Step 2 – File the Marital Settlement Agreement and Divorce Petition with the Court Clerk. Check the fee in your county by viewing the list. In most parishes the fee for this filing is $138.

After filing you must serve your spouse the Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent Form. After serving, this must be filed back with the court clerk’s office.

If you filed under the Article 102, you will now have to wait for one hundred and eighty (180) days to proceed to the next step.

Step 3 – After 180 days, or immediately after filing the Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent Form, if you originally filed under Article 103, you fill out the;

Upon submitting them to the Court Clerk, you will receive a hearing date. At the hearing, unless the Judge learns that something is amiss, he or she will authorize your Judgment of Divorce, and the process is complete.

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