Download Lupus Checklists for Symptoms and Diagnosis

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Lupus Checklists for Symptoms and Diagnosis

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If you are suffering from Lupus you are likely to have been suffering specific symptoms for some time. Lupus causes the immune system to actually mistakenly attack tissues and healthy cell. This attack by the immune system can damage your skin, organs,blood vessels and joints.

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Some of the common symptoms are, but are in no way limited to:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Pain
  • Swelling or joint pain
  • Red rashes on the face
  • Fever with no causes known


There are many forms of Lupus. The most common form is called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. This particular form of Lupus will affect several parts of the body. Another form of Lupus that is common is called Discoid Lupus, this form causes a rash that does not go away no matter what the treatment. The form called Subacute Lupus will cause photosensitivity that will cause sores to the body after being out in the sun. One other form of Lupus is caused by medication- it’s all called Lupus, regardless.

Although anyone can contract Lupus, women are much more at risk than men. To even further narrow the possibilities- Lupus is even more common in Hispanic’s, Native American’s, African American’s and Asian women. There still is no known cause of Lupus and there is currently no cure. There is no particular test to positively identify Lupus. Once it is diagnosed, there are only lifestyle changes and medications that may be able to help.

Print off the lists contained in the links above. As you experience symptoms, record them and ask your doctor about the possibilities that you may have Lupus.


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