Download Maine LLC Certificate of Formations

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Maine LLC Certificate of Formations

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The Maine certificate of formation, also referred to as the ‘articles of organization’, allows a person to register for an LLC. Attach the filing fee and send to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Business Name – It is always recommended to check the business database when selecting your name to make sure that a duplicate has been not applied.

How to File

Apply by filling out one of the articles of organization forms;

  • Domestic (MLLC-6) – For all companies that will be located inside the State.
  • Foreign (MLLC-12) – For all companies that are located outside the State.

Make a check payable to the Maine Secretary of State for $175 for domestic and $250 for foreign. Send the completed document and fee to:
Secretary of State
Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101

  • Add $50 to be expedited within 24 hours and $100 to be expedited immediately.


  • Always create an EIN Number with the Internal Revenue Service in order to create a bank account.
  • Download and complete an operating agreement to make sure that you are protected if you have members and your tax status as a sole proprietor.


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