Download Metrolink | Southern California | Map | Train| Schedules | Mobile

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Metrolink | Southern California | Map | Train| Schedules | Mobile

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Metrolink in Southern California is a commuter rail service serving Los Angeles and the counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego. It offers connecting service to Amtrak, local public transport system, as well as to the John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank and to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

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Metrolink’s website can be found at At the top of the homepage there are six radio buttons. Directly below, and to the left, there will be the PLAN A TRIP – FIND A STATION device. Here, you can enter your starting point, destination and the date and time of you departure. This will produce you possible itineraries, including any needed transfers between the system’s seven lines.

Navigating Through Metrolink

Pointing and clicking the STATIONS radio button will produce a two-sided display at

The left side is entitled METROLINK STATIONS. On its top left is a drop-down menu from which you can cause an alphabetic list of all the Metrolink stations to appear underneath, or the stations of any one line to appear in geographic order. With either choice, pointing and clicking on any station will cause detailed information about it to appear.

The right side is STATIONS; the top is a device for finding your station, and underneath that is a system map. If you type in the title of the city you are leaving from, and a radius, all stations within that radius are highlighted on the map. This section can be used in another manner, too. The map has a checklist consisting of the systems seven lines; all are initially checked. You can uncheck any number of them, and the map will display a much simpler, clearer view of only those lines that you have left checked.

SCHEDULES is another of the Radio buttons, and choosing it will produce, at, an option to obtain Metrolink scheduling BY LINE or from STATION TO STATION.

Opting for BY LINE will produce the list of the seven lines. Choosing any one of them will produce the complete schedule for this line in both directions. Alternately, the rider can simply choose any one station, and get the activity for that stop only. Opting for STATION TO STATION repeats an option described earlier, but it also affords the opportunity to choose ALL LINES TIMETABLE PDF. This produces a very useful synopsis of much of the information on the website, up to the minute and suitable for printing.


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