Download Michigan Divorce Papers and Forms

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Michigan Divorce Papers and Forms

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The Michigan divorce papers are used in order to file and begin the process. One of the parties must have been a resident for at least six (6) months. As stated in Section 552.6 the grounds for filing must be that “there has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved“.

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  • See all Divorce laws in Chapter 552 of the Michigan Legislature

How to File

Step 1 – If both spouses are in agreement to divorce, one of them must still become the filing partner, or ‘Petitioner’, who will be responsible for taking the lead and completing most of the documents. The first forms the Petitioner must fill out are the Complaint and Summons.

The Complaint must then be filed with the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office in the county you are a resident. (See Locator). There will be a filing fee of $150 for no children and $230 with children.

Step 2 – You must serve the stamped copy of the Complaint and a blank Answer And Waiver Form to your spouse. Your spouse needs to fill out the Answer And Waiver Form, and you must retrieve it from them and file it with the Clerk’s Office.

  • This step must be completed within ninety one (91) days from the date the original forms were filed.

Step 3 – Each spouse must fill out the following forms;

The filing partner must additionally complete the Judgment  and the Marital Settlement Agreement. The Marital Settlement Agreement should be agreed upon by all parties.

Each party must file their forms with the Clerk’s Office.

Step 4 – The parties are now ready to make a court date, this can be done by the Petitioner to complete and file the Notice of Hearing. It may take up to thirty (30) days for you to hear back from the court, once a date has been established it is required that each party be present.

Step 5 – On the date of hearing, be sure to bring the Record of Divorce or Annulment. If the Judge is satisfied with all that you’ve presented him or her, you will receive a Certificate of Judgment, and the divorce is complete.

Individual Forms


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