Download Mileage and Travel Reimbursement Forms

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Mileage and Travel Reimbursement Forms

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Reimbursement forms are used for various reasons. When you work for a company who offers reimbursement of any sort of business expense that you paid out of your own pocket, you will likely be required to complete this document.

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There are many types of expenditures that would require reimbursement from a business to an employee or contractor. You may be reimbursed for mobile telephone expenses, transportation, day care expenses, medical expenses, travel for sales meetings or any other type of meetings expenses requiring out of pocket expense.

How to Fill Out a Reimbursement Form

First, you simply need to obtain the necessary form. Fill it out completely with all of the required information. You would then gather all of your receipts, meaning anything that was related to the job or project that you are eligible to have reimbursed. Make copies of the completed form and all of the receipts you will be providing to the company or business offering reimbursement and put them in safe keeping for your records.

You would then hand your form and paperwork into your superior or human resources person if in the case of a work related reimbursement. At that point you should expect a check made back to you in the amount of the total of the receipts.


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