Download Minnesota Divorce Forms and Templates

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Minnesota Divorce Forms and Templates

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The Minnesota divorce forms allow for a ‘no-fault’ filing to be completed on the basis that not one of the spouses were at fault. The most common grounds is “irreconcilable differences” but may be any reason that is generic and does not blame one of the parties (See Statute 518.06).

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  • Requirements
    • One of the spouses must be a resident for at least one-hundred and eighty (180) days.
    • See filings fees by county

How to File For Divorce in Minnesota

Step 1 – One of the spouses must file the following documents;

Sign the forms in front of a court employee or a notary public and make two (2) copies.

Step 2 – The petitioner, or spouse that filed the forms, must serve the other spouse. This can be done by getting a copy of the petition and summons along with one of the Admission of Service with;

Step 3 – Both parties must fill out the following document;

Step 4 – The following forms must be filed by the petitioner to the Judicial District Court (Find Location);

*If the petitioner cannot afford the filing fee, they will need to fill in the In Forma Pauperis Form and file along with the documents.

Step 5 – If there are children of the marriage, the couple will both need to go to accredited parental education courses.

Step 6 – If the couple agrees on all issues, the the Stipulated Judgment and Decree must be completed. There will be a default hearing scheduled and your divorce will be complete upon the finalization of the hearing.

Individual Forms


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