Download Mississippi Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Mississippi Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Mississippi tax forms may be completed on your behalf by tax preparation professionals who are approved for the E-File program with the IRS are also approved for the same with the state of Mississippi with no further approval process required.

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Tax Brackets in Mississippi

The state of Mississippi has six marginal tax brackets. These tax brackets range from the lowest Mississippi tax bracket of 3.00% to the highest bracket at 5.00%. Tax rates will apply only to earnings that are within each tax bracket. Refer to Mississippi’s most updated 2012 tax bracket.

Single Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $5,000, you will pay 3.00% only
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $10,000, you will pay 4.00% + $150.00
  • Earnings over $10,000.00, you’ll pay 5.00% + $350.00

Married Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $5,000, you will pay 3.00% only
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $10,000, you will pay 4.00% + $150.00
  • Earnings over $10,000.00, you’ll pay 5.00% + $350.00


In Mississippi you will receive the same extension time as is allowable for your federal return filing as long as you will receive a refund or owe no additional taxes. If you will owe taxes, all of your state tax payment will be due By April 15th. Extension time will not extend to taxes owed the state of Mississippi. After April 15th you will owe penalty and interest. Late payment will accrue to the rate of 2.5%.

Extension Mailing Address:

  • Office of Revenue PO Box 23075 –  Jackson MS 39225-3075

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • OFFICE OF REVENUE Post Office Box 23058 – Jackson, MS 39225-3058

 Return without Refund

  • OFFICE OF REVENUE Post Office Box 23050 – Jackson, MS 39225-3050


  • Office of Revenue PO Box 23075 – Jackson MS 39225-3075
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