Download Missouri Divorce Papers and Forms

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Missouri Divorce Papers and Forms

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The Missouri divorce forms allow for a married couple to file for a dissolution of marriage if they apply for a no-fault which is usually under the grounds of “irreconcilable differences”. One of the spouses must at least be a resident of the State for at least ninety (90) days. If either spouse as any questions about the process or rules they should view the laws located in the Revised Statutes Chapter 452.

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How to File For Divorce in Missouri

Step 1 – One of the spouses must take the lead role and begin completing the following documents;

If there are minor children the following documents must be completed in addition;

Step 2 – The filing party must serve the other spouse, or Defendant, the divorce papers. This must be done by sending all the forms in Step 1 along with the Answer Form. The Defendant must return the Answer to the Petitioner.

Step 3 – Make three (3) copies and file the documents with the Circuit Court Location in your area (See Here). If you cannot afford the filing fee, the Petitioner must attach the In Forma Pauperis. You may be able to make a court date at this time, but will depend upon the clerk’s procedures as a court hearing date may not be until at least thirty (30) days after the date of the filing.

Step 4 – Once a hearing has been scheduled the Defendant should be informed by sending the Notice of Hearing. If either party decides to not attend the hearing, the Waiver of Service and Entry must be filed.

Step 5 – Go to the hearing and bring all forms including the Judgment for the Dissolution of Marriage. As long as both parties remain in agreement at the hearing the Judge will most likely sign a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage which will need to be re-filed with the clerk. The divorce process is now complete.

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