Download New Hampshire Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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New Hampshire Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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The state of New Hampshire currently imposes no income tax on w-2 earnings. The state of New Hampshire does, however, levy income tax on dividends, interest payments from notes and bonds, trust or fiduciary funds and capital gains from distributions from some mutual funds. Even then, not all forms of investment or interest are income that is taxable.

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Tax Brackets in New Hampshire:

The state of New Hampshire does not impose individual income tax on w-2 earnings. Please follow this link to assist you with other taxable items.

Tax Brackets

  • 0.00%

Where to Send a Tax Return?

State Return Mailing Address

  • NH Department of Revenue PO Box 2072 – Concord NH 03302-2072

Return without Refund

  • NH Department of Revenue PO Box 2072 – Concord NH 03302-2072


  • NH DRA Document Processing PO Box 672 – Concord NH 0302-672
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