Download New Jersey Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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New Jersey Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Use the New Jersey tax forms to file monies owed to the Department of Revenue. Any tax preparation professional who files 11 or more tax returns, must file New Jersey state taxes electronically.

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Tax Brackets

The state of New Jersey has a total of twelve marginal tax brackets. These brackets range from the lowest at 1.40% to the highest at 8.97%. Rates will apply to earnings within each applicable tax bracket.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $20,000, you will pay 1.40% only
  • Earnings between $20,000.00 and $35,000, you will pay 1.75% + $280.00
  • Earnings between $35,000.00 and $40,000, you will pay 3.50% + 42.50
  • Earnings between $40,000.00 and $75,000, you will pay 5.53% + $717.50
  • Earnings between $75,000.00 and $500,000, you will pay 6.37% + $2,653.00
  • Earnings over $500,000.00, you will pay 8.97% + $29,725.50

Married Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $20,000, you will pay 1.40% only
  • Earnings between $20,000.00 and $70,000, you will pay 1.75% + $280.00
  • Earnings between $70,000.00 and $80,000, you will pay 3.50% + $1,155.00
  • Earnings between $80,000.00 and $150,000, you will pay 5.53% + $1,505.00
  • Earnings between $150,000.00 and $500,000, you will pay 6.37% + $5,376.00
  • Earnings over $500,000.00, you will  pay 8.97% + $27,671.00


In the state of New Jersey, an extension of time is only granted to file your NJ resident income tax return. No extension of time granted to pay tax due in New Jersey. Interest and penalties are imposed when tax is paid after the original due date. You may receive a six-month extension of time to file your New Jersey resident income tax return in the event that at least 80% of the tax liability on your Form NJ-1040 is paid and a federal extension is filed. A copy of n your federal extension must be enclosed with your final return. You must check the NJ-1040.  If No Federal extension filed you must file a request for a six-month extension on Form NJ-630, Application for Extension of Time to File New Jersey Gross Income, by the original due date of the return. We will notify you only if your request is denied.

Extension Mailing Address

State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Revenue Processing Center PO Box 111 – Trenton, New Jersey 08645-0111

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Revenue Processing Center PO Box 555 – Trenton, New Jersey 08647-0555

Return without Refund

  • State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Revenue Processing Center PO Box 111 – Trenton, New Jersey 08645-0111


  • State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Revenue Processing Center PO Box 222 – Trenton, New Jersey 08645-0222
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