Download New Jersey Divorce Papers and Forms | PDF | Word

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New Jersey Divorce Papers and Forms | PDF | Word

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The New Jersey divorce papers allows for a person to represent themselves for a dissolution of marriage without the use of an attorney. The grounds for filing divorce, in a no-fault case, may be for “irreconcilable differences” or “separation”. One of the spouses must have been a resident of the State for at least one (1) year.

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How to File For Divorce in New Jersey

Step 1 – Download the following forms to complete by the filing spouse;

After completing the Petitioner must submit the forms to the County Court Clerk’s Office. The filing fee is $250 and if it cannot be afforded by the petitioner, the Request for Waiver of Fees and Supporting Certification and Order Waiving Fees must be filed.

Step 2 – Serve the spouse. This means that all of the forms filed with the county clerk’s office along with the Summons must be sent to the other spouse, otherwise known as the “Defendant”.

Step 3 – As long as the Defendant does not file an Answer with Counterclaim which denies the allegations by the Plaintiff, the couple may enter a Judgment for divorce by filing the following documents;

Step 4 – Go to the hearing and the Judge, if everything was filed correctly, will issue a Judgment. At this time the divorce is complete in New Jersey.

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