Download New Mexico Divorce Forms and Papers

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New Mexico Divorce Forms and Papers

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The New Mexico divorce papers allows a married couple to file a no-fault dissolution of marriage under the grounds of incompatibility. A couple may also file as abandonment, adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment but are harder to get through the court system. The filing party, or Petitioner, must be a resident of at least six (6) months.

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How to File For Divorce in New Mexico

Step 1 – The filing party must submit the following forms to the court in your district;

You will need a check in the amount of $137 for the filing fee.

Step 2 – Serve your spouse the filed papers as well as;

Step 3 – The spouses must now negotiate the financial terms of the divorce. The following forms should be completed;

After the forms have been completed, the Marital Settlement Agreement should be filled out using the financial statements from both the spouses. If an agreement cannot be made, an Application for Mediation must be filed.

You may now be able to schedule a court hearing. File all the forms above including the Request for Hearing. After filing the form must be sent to the spouse to notify a hearing is in the process of being scheduled.

Step 4 – Once a court hearing date has been established a Notice of Hearing will need to be sent to the spouse informing them of the date. Bring all filed documents to the court hearing including;

If the Judge reviews the case and finds the divorce to be complete and in agreement the Decree will be signed and the divorce will be complete.

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