Download New York LLC Operating Agreement Form

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New York LLC Operating Agreement Form

According to Article 6 Section 202 a New York LLC operating agreement is required by law for a company that has more than one (1) owner (also known as a “Member”). It is a legal document much like a partnership agreement that states the rules, ownership interest, duties of each member, management options, and other financially related subjects to be agreed upon.

The form allows a single or multi member LLC to agree and state the following;

  • Purpose of Company
  • Organization
  • Registered Office
  • Dissolution (as per statute 702)
  • Bank Accounts
  • Record Keeping
  • Powers of the Members
  • Management
  • Capital Contributions
  • Allocation of Profits and Losses
  • Distributions
  • Assignment
  • Resignation(s)
  • Liability of the Member(s)

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