Download Oklahoma Eviction Notice Forms | Notice to Quit | PDF

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Oklahoma Eviction Notice Forms | Notice to Quit | PDF

The Oklahoma eviction notice forms are used if a tenant fails to pay rent or commits a lease violation, property owners may pursue an eviction to remove the tenant from the property.

Oklahoma Eviction Process

1. Notice

Before actually going to court, the property owner must give the tenant a written notice telling the tenant to move off the property or correct the violation. For nonpayment of rent, the notice should give the tenant five days to pay the rent. For other violations, such as having unauthorized people on the property, the notice should give the tenant 10 days to correct the violation and if they fail to do so they must give up possession after 15 days.

Landlords must serve the written notice by personally handing it to the tenant. If the tenant is not home, the landlord may give it to any family member over 15 years of age who lives with the tenant. If that is not possible either, the owner may post a copy of the notice conspicuously and mail a copy to the tenant.

2. Forcible Entry and Detainer Lawsuit

Landlords must then file a Forcible Entry and Detainer Lawsuit (AffidavitPetition, and Summons) with the local clerk of court if the tenant did not comply with the notice. The landlord may request damages and court costs in addition to asking for an eviction. Then, the property owner must serve the Affidavit, Summons, Complaint, and all other court papers to the tenant. A sheriff or a process server may be used for this as well. The hearing will be scheduled to occur within a week of service.

3. Hearing

At the hearing, the judge may request that the parties try to settle their dispute without moving forward with the eviction. If this is not possible, the landlord must try to prove that the tenant violated the lease or failed to pay rent. The judge will determine whether the landlord followed the proper eviction process and served notice properly.

If the judge finds that the tenant failed to pay rent and the eviction process was followed correctly, he or she will order the tenant to move. The tenant will have 48 hours to move, after which the sheriff will remove the tenant forcibly. Further, all of the tenant’s property left in the premises could be confiscated.

