Download Oregon Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Oregon Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Oregon tax forms may be used to make any type of personal or business filing with the Department of Revenue. A resident may fill in the form themselves or use a tax preparation professionals who have been approved to file returns electronically by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Tax Brackets

The state of Oregon has eight marginal tax brackets with 5.00% being the lowest and 9.90% being the highest Oregon tax bracket. Marginal tax rates will apply to earnings within the tax bracket that applies to you. Be certain to refer to the most recently updated 2012 Oregon tax brackets.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $3,150, you will pay 5.00% only
  • Earnings between $3,150.00 and $7,950, you will pay 7.00% + $157.50
  • Earnings between $7,950.00 and $125,000, you will pay 9.00% + $493.50
  • Earnings over $125,000.00, you will pay 9.90% + $11,028.00

Married Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $6,300, you will pay 5.00% only
  • Earnings between $6,300.00 and $15,900, you will pay 7.00% + $315.00
  • Earnings between $15,900.00 and $250,000, you will pay 9.00% + $987.00
  • Earnings over $250,000.00, you will pay 9.90% + $22,056.00


If you have received a six-month federal extension and if are expecting an Oregon refund, you do not need to use Form 40-Ext. The state of Oregon allows the same extension.  You should use Form 40-EXT if you will make a tax payment and you are unable to file your Oregon return by April 17. Extension must be filed by the April 17th due date of your return.

Extension Mailing Address

  • Extension Clerk – Oregon Department of Revenue PO Box 14950 – Salem, OR 97309-0950

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • REFUND PO Box 14700 Salem, OR 97309-0930

Return without Refund

  • Oregon Department of Revenue PO Box 14555 – Salem, OR 97309-0940


  • Oregon Department of Revenue PO Box 14950 – Salem, OR 97309-0950
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