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Persuasive Essay | Outline | PDF | Word | RTF

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The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince readers to agree with a writer’s viewpoint. Sometimes this is called an argumentative essay but the desired end result is the same; anyone reading your essay will believe that your opinion is the correct viewpoint to have.

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay

When writing such an essay it is important to invest enough time both to research the facts and present them in such a way that all relevant issues have been covered. It is imperative to use strong evidence when presenting your argument and to do so in such a way that one idea transitions to another seamlessly. This can often be done by concluding each paragraph correctly while opening another paragraph properly. This transition, the tone, and the language style used will contribute to the writer’s voice which should be prevalent throughout.

In addition to indisputable facts, one must consider opposing views or sensitive topics. Most of the time when one writes a persuasive essay there will be very strong opinions against what the writer is postulating. One must consider all arguments that are inherent to the issue at hand as well as any arguments that would arise as a result of the opinion being proposed in the essay. Keep in mind that tones such as sarcasm do not necessarily translate well when written. That is, the reader cannot see the writer nor can they hear the inflections normally heard in a conversation thus, taking a hostile or sarcastic tone may not necessarily be to the benefit of the essayist.

There are very few times when someone can immediately type out a perfect essay. It’s logical to assume that several drafts will be developed before reaching the final product. Now, being prepared is important but it should not distract, dissuade, or prevent someone from actually starting to put one’s thoughts or opinions down on paper. The number one step in writing a persuasive essay is to start writing. If all the ideas and arguments are not immediately apparent at the beginning of the task…they will be. Thus, don’t wait too long after you begin your research to start writing your opinion and presenting the reasoning behind it.

A good way to start is to simply write the first paragraph, a few important points then a conclusion. This will set up a good framework to operate in. One only has to continue adding the results of their research in a positive manner which fits with the essayist’s style until a finished product emerges.


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