Download Project Charter Templates | Microsoft Word

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Project Charter Templates | Microsoft Word

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A Project Charter outlines the nuts and bolts of a project, and can also serve to describe the purposes and goals of the project as well as its reason for being. The charter can also serve as a tool to garner support for a project that hasn’t yet been approved or funded.

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Depending on the nature of the project, the Project Charter can take many forms. There are many Project Charter Templates available online for downloading at no charge. Most of these templates are designed for Excel or Word, and as an increasing number are appearing for use with Google Docs. These templates can usually be found on advertiser-supported websites, and they may also tout proprietary systems for creating exceptional Project Charters.

Businesspeople often find the task of enumerating their plans and ideas in a concise, hard-hitting document to be a daunting task. Just searching for and reading some of the excellent examples of Project Charter Templates available for so many purposes may help in nailing down what really needs to be stated in your charter.

What is a Project Charter

A Project Charter Template might begin with spaces within which you’d put the project’ s name and both its proposed start date and its planned completion date. Directly below that is a line that begins simply with the words “Project Manager”, with space to the right for that person’s name. Of course, any template will allow you to change “Project Manager” to any other title that you choose.

The next boxed-off space can be for the Project’s Budget. Again, all such headings are changeable.

Below that will be where the project’s purposes are enumerated. A well-done Project Charter is brief and to the point, and the initial size of the box is designed to hold only 75 or 100 words, but the size of the box on your Project Charter Template can be enlarged.

Beneath that, there should be a section for the project’s methods. Within this box, there should be places for each action you plan to take in the execution of your project. Again, briefness is the key. Each action should be tightly summarized in no more then two sentences, and preferably in only one.

The purpose of the final section of the Project Charter Template is to outline who the key players in the project will be. After the line naming this section, the template can be divided into three columns. The first column holds the name of each key player in the project. The second column is for the individual’s title in the organization and role within the project. The final column is for that person’s contact information.


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