Download Scientific Notation Worksheets

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Scientific Notation Worksheets

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Scientific notation applies to all aspects of mathematics. To put it simply, scientific notation is also known as- the power of 10. It is, in a simpler explanation, a way of simplifying very large or even very small numbers to a simpler form, that will eventually allow form much easier math calculations. Scientist and mathematicians and people engaged in may other careers, use scientific notation daily.

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Scientists must deal with outrageous numbers constantly and so they must have a way to simplify these numbers to reel them in and make them easier to deal with themselves, but also in order to explain them to laymen who may not understand what all of those zero’s or those small numbers may mean.

Educators teach scientific notation for a myriad of subjects from elementary school through college, from architecture to engineering and astronomy among many other subjects. Without the use of scientific notation, math calculations would take hours to do and in most cases would be near impossible to accomplish.

In today’s world, scientific notation is taught in it’s simplest form, at a very young age. It may seem more and more difficult as one begins to progress, but with plenty of practice you will master each level and become more comfortable with it in an appropriate amount of time.

Even as an adult, if you’re feeling intimidated by this subject, starting from the beginning and working your way forward will certainly help you learn scientific notation much faster than you would if you were stepping into this subject on and adult level with little or no experience or even if you haven’t practiced for years.

If you’re working with your children to assist them in understanding this subject, try to view it as an opportunity to learn something new, along with them. Practice, study and time will present anyone of any age, a math subject that will be a needed asset for most people in their lives, especially children who hold interests in math or any of the math’s and or sciences.

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