Download Simple Loan Agreement Template | PDF | RTF | Word

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Simple Loan Agreement Template | PDF | RTF | Word

Download a simple loan agreement that lets a lender grant someone else a sum of money for a period of time with the expectations of being paid back.

How to Write

If you can fill in the following blanks, you and the borrower may be able to come to terms with this agreement;

  • Loan Amount
  • Amount Financed
  • Finance Charge(s)
  • Total of Payments
  • Annual Percentage Rate
  • Repayment (if any)
  • Late Charge
  • Security – Provided to protect the lender
  • Default – Interest amount in case of this event
  • Collection Fee(s)
  • Co-Borrower(s) (if any)
  • Signature Area

Once both parties have authorized the form becomes legal.
