Download Social Security Direct Deposit Form | 1199A | Fillable PDF

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Social Security Direct Deposit Form | 1199A | Fillable PDF

If you apply for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits at any time after March 2, 2013, it will be required that, from the start, you receive these benefits through an electronic transfer. If you are currently receiving benefits by check, U.S. Department of the Treasury will contact you about making this simple and convenient change.

The easiest way to comply is to get your federal benefit payments paid by direct deposit to your checking or savings account. This is done by filling out Standard Form 1199a, which is the Direct Deposit Sign Up Form from the U.S. Treasury Department. You’ll need just a bit of help from your bank or credit union. After completing it, just take it or mail it to your Social Security Office to complete the process.

How to Fill-in

If you are already receiving your social security payments by check, the information on the check will help you fill in Section I of the Form 1199a.

Part A of Section 1 of the form is for your name, address and phone number. Copy them directly from the physical check, and be sure to copy them exactly as they appear. Don’t forget to add your current phone number.

On your check, just above the space containing your name and address and below the check’s date, you will find your claim number and its suffix. Both the number and the suffix must be copied into Part C of Section 1 of the form.

Part D is to indicate if this is a savings or checking account, and Part E is for the account number. Part F of the Section I is for the type of payment you are receiving. Here, of course, check the top left box for Social Security. There are spaces for you and for any joint payee to sign on the bottom of section I of the Form 1199a.

Section 2 is simply to identify the name and address of the Social Security Administration

Section 3 of the Form 1199a must be filled out by the financial institution into which the social security recipient wishes to have his or her funds deposited into.

The top left of Section 3 is for entering the name and address of the relevant financial institution. The top right side is for the institution’s routing number. It is a unique number identifying the bank or credit union, and can generally be found on the lower left-hand corner of the account holder’s printed checks.

The last part of Section 3 is for the name of the financial institution’s representative and his or her signature. Also included are spaces for the date and the institution’s telephone number.

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