Download Sympathy Card Messages | General Loss | Father | Mother

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Sympathy Card Messages | General Loss | Father | Mother

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Sympathy card messages can be very difficult to write. You have to strike a very careful balance between not saying anything that will cause further discomfort and stress, while at the same time conveying a positive message that will buoy the spirits of the aggrieved during this most difficult time.

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How to Approach/Write

There are no hard and fast rules. But there is one good piece of advice that comes across over and over again, and that is not to say that you know what the person who you are attempting to comfort is going through. In most cases you just don’t. And even if you do, there is the possibility that the other person might get the feeling that you really don’t understand, and may not truly grasp the depth of what they are going through.

Often, the best types of messages are the shortest ones that come most quickly to the point. It is usually best to keep the message simple, and to always assure the person who has suffered a loss that you are always available to talk, and to offer support during this difficult hour.

In the course of our lives, the one tragedy that almost all of us experience at one time or other is the loss of a loved one. A good guideline might be that if you personally knew the deceased, part of your message might include how much you will miss him or her. If you didn’t, just acknowledging the death is more suitable.

Thus, if a friend’s family member has passed on, an appropriate message would be “Please accept my sympathy over the loss of your father. He will be missed, you are both in my thoughts and prayers.” If a business associate has suffered the same loss, a more appropriate way of expressing sympathy might be to say “Our deepest condolences on the loss of your father. From all us at work.”

If you are going to send someone a sympathetic card message, consider augmenting that message with flowers. Flowers are a universal symbol of love and support in our shared culture, and they amplify any message of condolence that we express in words. Words as simple as “with our deepest, most heartfelt sympathies” come across with so much more beauty and love when they come accompanied by a bouquet of flowers.

One of the advantages of sending flowers is that, to some extent at least, the flowers themselves will convey the message of sympathy. There is less that you will have to say with words, which might make to whole process less painful for you.


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