Download Texas Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

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Texas Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

Download the Texas rental agreements that allow a property owner to lease their space in return for monthly payment. An application is usually filled out by the tenant to ensure he or she is qualified financially to make the payments on time. The agreement becomes legal and binding after it has been authorized by both lessee and lessor.


Form Descriptions

  • Rental Application – A tenant that is seeking to rent property in Texas may have to fill out this application in order to verify that he or she is capable of paying rent every month. The applicant will have to fill in his or her credit information, employment history, and past property owners and managers as references. The landlord will take all this information into account when deciding to approve a lease to be signed.
  • Standard 1 Year  – For any property owner or manager seeking to rent space to a potential tenant. When both parties have signed, the contract is legal and both landlord and tenant will be subject to its terms and conditions.
  • Month to Month – Continues until either party sends written notice to the other that either changes or terminates the contract. Any notices must be sent with at least one (1) month’s notice.
  • Sublease – Type of contract that allows a person that is under a lease agreement (tenant) to be able to rent the same property to someone else. A landlord must be notified of any type of sublease arrangement with any new tenants. The original tenant is still liable for all payments and any liabilities on the property whether the new tenant pays or not.
  • Commercial – Specifically for industrial, office, or retail office space and property within Texas and allows a landlord and tenant to enter into a binding real estate rental agreement. The standard time frame is three (3) to five (5) years and if it is a new business, a personal guaranty should be included as financial protection.

How to Complete

The landlord should first take into account the tenant’s financial credibility through having them fill out the rental application. This will determine if a lease should be granted in the first place and also how much the security deposit will be. If approved, the items most discussed when formulating a lease are the  utilities (cable, internet, and electricity), heat, air conditioning, and fees. Once these terms are agreed verbally a lease will be written out under the terms and signed.

Upon receiving the security deposit and first month’s rent the keys and access to the property shall be given immediately to the tenant.


  • If the property’s residential unit was constructed prior to 1978, the lessor will need the tenant to sign and attach the lead based paint disclosure form to the agreement.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit 
    • Maximum – The is no limit on how much a landlord may ask from a tenant for a deposit
    • Returning – The landlord must give back the amount held within thirty (30) days from the end date
  • Entering Property
    • There must be at least twenty-four (24) hours notice before entering the property at any time (except for emergencies)

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