Download TJ Maxx – Marshall’s – HomeGoods | Job Application

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TJ Maxx – Marshall’s – HomeGoods | Job Application

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Use this job application to seek employment from any TJX Company (TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and HomeGoods)). You may go right in the store desired after completing the application and ask to speak with the manager or person in charge of hiring.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Choose a Store – Select which store to apply for or if you would like you can try to get a position at all three (3). Choose from the store locator tools below;

Step 2 – Fill in the Application – It does not matter which company you will be submitting the form to (if you choose the physical route), all that matters is that the document is completed. When completing, it is best to do the following;

  • List as many hours you are available throughout the week.
  • List references that are available for contact. It does not do any good to put down someone who is not reachable.
  • List previous work experiences that are related to retail sales.

Step 3 – Go to a Store – Dress appropriately and go to the store desired for employment at the off peak hours (usually in the morning). This will allow you to have as much time with the manager as you can and see the position(s) that may be available. If there are any openings, he or she will most likely accept your completed form and get back to you within a week if there is any interest.

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