Download VA Form 21-4138 | Statement In Support of Claim

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VA Form 21-4138 | Statement In Support of Claim

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VA Form 21-4138 is a Veteran Affairs Statement in support of a claim form that would be used to support a claim for needed benefits. The form will be used to provide information requested by Veteran’s Affairs, from you, while they evaluate your claim.

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Tips to Filling-In

You will need to compose a very well thought out, well written explanation that will support your claims. This will be the most important part of this form. To begin you may choose to write a draft of your statement. Be sure that you provide a very detailed statement that will also address all additional information the Department of Veteran’s Affairs is going to require. You must be certain that you cover all of your claims in your statement.

Once you have prepared and completed your draft you may hand-write your explanation in the box on the form or you may opt to complete the draft separately on a computer, print it and attach it to your form. If you are hand writing the information into the form and you require additional pages, you’re welcome to attach more pages if you need to. You will also need to attach any required supporting documents.

It will be required that you certify your information at the bottom of form 21-4138. Sign and date the form at the bottom of the page. Provide your address and telephone number contacts.

You will then send your form complete with explanation and required supporting documents to the address that you have been provided. Once received your request will be considered. Decisions regarding benefits could take six months or longer depending upon the complexity of your particular case. You will need to be prepared to exercise patience.

How to Fill Out

Step 1 – Basic ID Information – Download VA Form 21-4138 from the link at the top of this page.Fill in your name, SS number and the claims file number of Veteran who is making a claim for benefits.

Step 2 – Statement – The large box on the first page is the most important part of this form. Write your statement.

Step 3 – Form, Statement and Supporting Documents – Attach your statement and supporting documents and statement to your form

Step 4 – Form Certification – Certify your form by dating and signing your form, providing your telephone and address contacts.

Step 5 – Submission of Form – Send your information to the Department of Veteran Affairs at the address provided to you to be sure you get it to the proper location for review.

Reminder: Be certain that you’re thorough with your explanation covering all of your claims so that all of your claims will be considered once received.


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