Download Walgreens Job Application

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Walgreens Job Application

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To apply for employment with Walgreens you have two options. You may apply online by creating an account online with their web application Walgreens has 5000+ stores nationwide so you will be able to apply for any geographic areas you are interested in, within the application.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Anyone who may be interested in a position working with Walgreens may apply online at the web application link as stated above. You also have the option of walking into any store location you may be interested in working with. If you choose to walk into the store, you will fill out the same application at one of the terminals that are available in store for your convenience. The applications and processes are identical. As you begin the application process you will be guided through several areas that will request your personal information, candidate experience, question areas that will assist management in understanding where you may excel within the company. You will also be required to complete a skills assessment test. All areas of the application must be completed to be considered for employment. Be certain to apply for more than one area that you feel you may be qualified. It’s best to make yourself available to work in more than one area if it’s possible so that multiple managers will be able to access you application for consideration.

Step 2 – If you have made the decision to complete your application outside of a store terminal, you may wish to take the time to contact the store managers in the areas you have selected in person or by telephone to make them aware that you have completed an application online and that you would be interested in a position in their location. If you have decided to complete the application at one of the many Walgreens stores, if you find the store manager is in the store while you are there, you may want to take the time to introduce yourself in person to make them aware that you have completed an application and would be interested in working in their store. Request an interview. If they do not have a position available, ask them if there are any other locations close to theirs that may have an open position fitting your experience. Be sure to let them know that you are willing to cross-train in various departments. This will increase your opportunity for employment with Walgreens.

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