Download Wanted Poster Templates | Microsoft Word

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Wanted Poster Templates | Microsoft Word

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Wanted posters allow for posts to be made, either for fun or serious purposes, for the intention of alerting the general public of someone that is desired for a specific reason. The most popular being the old western ‘dead or alive’ posters should only be meant for humor and not to be posted in public areas.

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Wanted Person Posters

These are mock posters meant to be for fun and enjoyment to create around the home or organization, such as a school or meeting, to make fun of an individual. There are three types of wanted persons posters;

  • Old Western – This old country style is the classic movie poster for nan individual who would get a rise out of seeing themselves in the backdrop of a western setting. Helpful Tip; Try to find a picture and change it to black and white.
  • Wanted Dead or Alive – This modern looking wanted poster is for the most serious of criminal offenses that is a request by law enforcement for the community to turn in an individual dead or alive.
  • FBI Wanted – A wanted poster with the official FBI logo that illustrates the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s intention on obtaining someone that is desired by their department.

Help Wanted Posters

For the intention of an employer to either place in their window at their place of business or to hang flyers with the job title, job description, pay per hour ($/hour), and any other details that should be posted.

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