Download Wells Fargo Routing Numbers

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Wells Fargo Routing Numbers

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A routing number is a nine (9) digit number used to identify a bank and it’s region (by State) in the United States of America. It is located on the bottom left portion of a check issued by Wells Fargo and the following numbers for every State.

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If looking for a routing number for a wire transfer use the following numbers;

  • Domestic – 121000248
  • International – WFBIUS6S

How to Find my Routing Number?


Wells Fargo Routing Numbers By State

Region Routing Number
Alabama 062000080
Alaska 125200057
Arizona 122105278
Arkansas 111900659
California 121042882
Colorado 102000076
Connecticut 021101108
Delaware 031100869
District of Columbia 054001220
Florida 063107513
Georgia 061000227
Hawaii 121042882
Idaho 124103799
Illinois 071101307
Indiana 074900275
Iowa 073000228
Kansas 101089292
Kentucky 121042882
Louisiana 121042882
Maine 121042882
Maryland 055003201
Massachusetts 121042882
Michigan 091101455
Minnesota 091000019
Mississippi 062203751
Missouri 121042882
Montana 092905278
Nebraska 104000058
Region Routing Number
Nevada 321270742
New Hampshire 121042882
New Jersey 021200025
New Mexico 107002192
New York 026012881
North Carolina 053000219
North Dakota 091300010
Ohio 041215537
Oklahoma 121042882
Oregon 123006800
Pennsylvania 031000503
Rhode Island 121042882
South Carolina 053207766
South Dakota 091400046
Tennessee 064003768
Texas 111900659
Texas – El Paso 112000066
Utah 124002971
Vermont 121042882
Virginia 051400549
Washington 125008547
West Virginia 121042882
Wisconsin 075911988
Wyoming 102301092
American Samoa 121042882
North Mariana Islands 121042882
Puerto Rico 121042882
Virgin Islands 121042882
American Forces Abroad 121042882


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