Download California Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

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California Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

Residential Lease (1-Year)

Standard (1-Year) PDF | Word

Realtor (1-Year) | PDF | Word

Realtor (1-Year) PDF | Word

Month to Month

Month-to-Month PDF | Word


SubLease PDF | Word

Housemate | PDF | Word

Housemate PDF | Word


Commercial PDF | Word

A California lease agreement allows for a property owner (Landlord) and person looking to rent (Tenant) to enter into a binding contract that protects each party. The most common type is the standard 12 month term but the parties may be able to negotiate any agreement as agreed upon.

Form Descriptions

Rental Application

Allows a property owner/manager or agent to lookup a tenant’s credit and employment history. The tenant must fill out the form and sign. The landlord has the right to charge a non-refundable fee to cover the expense of the credit report.

Residential Lease (1-Year)

Typically a twelve (12) month arrangement that allows a landlord and tenant to establish a contract where one pays the other to occupy property for an ongoing basis. A credit check is usually required with along with a security deposit due at signing.

Month to Month

Is an arrangement where either the Landlord or Tenant may be able to cancel or change the terms and conditions with at least 1 month’s notice to each other. The agreement typically has no end date and continues as long as each person does not violate the contract.


Allows for a tenant to lease property to someone else for a period or the remainder of the term of his or her contract with the landlord. The price paid by the new tenant, or “sub-lessee”, does not have to be the same amount as what the tenant is paying the landlord, and if the sub-lessee does not pay the tenant, he or she is still liable to pay the rent states on the master lease agreement.


For landlords seeking to obtain a tenant to rent their property for business related use. A standard agreement is usually two (2) to five (5) years that provides annual renewal periods to the tenant that go beyond the end date. The landlord will usually have to prepare the space for the tenant, therefore if it is a new business, a lease guaranty is recommended.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

Security Deposit

  • There is a State cap of two (2) months’ rent to be required by the landlord for the Security Deposit.
  • The landlord has twenty-one (21) days to return the deposit to the tenant after the lease has expired or has terminated for other reasons. If any deductions have been made, they must be attached to the payment stating what they were with receipts.

Entering Premises

  • Landlord must provide at least twenty-four (24) hours notice before any scheduled access into the tenant’s property

Disclosure Forms

Lead Based Paint – For any residential units built prior to 1978

  • Chart – Use to see what other State disclosure forms you need depending on the unit being rented

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