Download Delaware LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Delaware LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Delaware articles of organization form allows a person to form a limited liability company. Due to the propections Delaware offers it is one of the most popular States to create a company. The filing fee is $90 for domestic and $200 for foreign entities and all payments must be made and sent to the Secretary of State’s office.

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  • Check Name Availability – It is common among most applicants to check with the business database to make sure the name selected does not coincide with another on file.

How to File

Step 1 – Download and complete one of the following forms;

  • Domestic – For all companies that will be located inside the State
  • Foreign – For all companies located outside the State seeking to do business in Delaware

Step 2 – Pay the fee and make payable to the Secretary of State;

  • Domestic – $90
  • Foreign – $200

Step 3 – Fax to 1(302) 739-3812 (Use Cover Sheet) or mail to the following address;

Delaware Division of Corporations
401 Federal Street – Suite 4
Dover, DE 19901


  • EIN Number – If you are looking to make a bank account in the name of your company be sure to retrieve an EIN number from the IRS.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – To protect yourself, make sure to download and complete an Operating Agreement which not only protects you from other members but also if you are a sole proprietor it helps prove your entity status as a taxable entity.


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