Download Alabama Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Alabama Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

Alabama power of attorney forms as stated under the Uniform Power of Attorney Act allows a resident to be able to elect someone else to handle any and all of their financial and health-care related decisions on their behalf. The person who is being represented is referred to as the “Principal” and the person who is acting on their behalf the “Agent”. Under new laws in Alabama, all power of attorney forms are considered “durable” meaning if the Principal should become incapacitated, the form remains valid for use. Therefore it is highly recommended that the person that is selected be someone that can be trusted.


  • Durable – Allows a person to represent someone else for all monetary related matters and remains valid if the Principal becomes incapacitated
  • Medical – Also known as a healthcare proxy, it is for the use of handling another’s health care needs in the chance they cannot do so for themselves.
  • Dept of Motor Vehicles – This allows a person to be able to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and conduct any type of related matter on the Principal’s behalf.
  • Tax (2848A) – This is usually for accountants and only allows the Agent selected to file taxes on the Principal’s behalf. The form must be updated every year.

How to Write

All the parties including the Principal, Agent, and Successor Agent(s) (if any), must be present when completing and at the time of signature. The form will become valid after it has been authorized and signature be conducted in the presence of a notary public or two non blood related witnesses which cannot be the agent(s) or principal.

When in Use

The form may be needed to be shown at every public and private institution when representing the principal. There is no government office where the document is needed to be published or stored. Therefore it is a good idea to always keep it in a safe yet accessible place.

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