Download HUD Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form – Landlord – Seller

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HUD Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form – Landlord – Seller

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A landlord or seller must hand out the lead based paint disclosure form to all potential tenants/buyers to make them aware of the existence of this toxic hazard. If a residential unit was built before 1978 this document is required to be attached to all leases and purchase agreements in the United States per federal law. The harmful toxin is specifically harmful to children and pregnant mothers. If there is noticeable chipping or the paint falling off the walls, the property may be in great risk of lead exposure. To make sure the tenant/buyer received a copy of this form he or she must authorize the bottom for the landlord’s/seller’s record-keeping.

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This disclosure is often times given to the tenant along with the lead based paint pamphlet provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


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