Download Connecticut Bill of Sale Form

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Connecticut Bill of Sale Form

The Connecticut bill of sale form (H-31) is a legal document use to conduct a purchase and sale of any type of vehicle, boat, or any type of asset. The document can be used for personal records or for registration with the State, more specifically, the department of motor vehicles (Office Locator).


How to Get New Title for the Buyer

If the new owner of the motor vehicle will be registering with the DMV, he or she will need the following in addition to a completed bill of sale;

  1. Original title from the previous owner (Signed-over)
  2. Insurance ID card – This can be provided by your insurance company and must contain the following
    • Name of company
    • Owner’s name matches the policy holder
    • Agent’s code, binder, or policy number
    • Date of coverage
    • Vehicle information – Including VIN
    • Name and signature of agent
  3. H-13 – Vehicle Title Registration Form
  4. Check payable for $25

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