Download Dollar General Job Application

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Dollar General Job Application

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Use this application to be able to seek employment any Dollar General location. The form may be used for any type of position available as long as your qualifications meet their requirements. It is always best to complete the application and return to the location desired while speaking with the manager if there are any openings within the Store.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Fill in the Application – The process begins by completing the application marking your best skills, references, and previous work experiences that will help prove that you are the one for the job over any other potential applicants.

The most important thing to keep in mind while filling in is that all managers are seeking applicants with flexible schedules. So it is a good idea to write in that you are able to work almost 24 hours per day 7 days per week. This helps in the chance an employee does not show up that the manager will be to count on you to show up at a moment’s notice.

Step 2 – Submit – All applications are required to be turned in to the closest or Dollar General location desired for work (Use Finder). There are over 10,000 locations so there is a chance that more than one (1) may exist in your area. It is okay to submit at multiple stores as availabilities differ and are run separately.

When arriving be sure to ask for the manager and ask what the available positions are if there are any that exist. If so, he or she should accept and contact you within the week to see whether it meets their expectations for a candidate.

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