Download Dollar Tree Job Application Form

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Dollar Tree Job Application Form

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Download and fill in the official Dollar Tree job application to every location in the United States. All stores are owned corporately and it is advised that for any standard crew position that this form be dropped off to the store manager.

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*If an applicant is seeking to apply for a corporate position he or she should apply online.

How to Apply

Step 1 – Fill in Form – The first step is to download the application in PDF format and start creating the best resume to for later acceptance. Keep in mind when filling out the following;

  • Most job seekers will want employees that are available at anytime in case of a “no show” by a fellow co-worker.
  • Good references that are in related fields make for excellence reasons to hire a prospect.

Step 2 – Find a Store – With it’s almost 5,000 locations there is ought to be a single or multiple stores near you. Go to the locations most desired for employment and ask to speak with the manager and always try your best to dress formally and use the appropriate language.

When speaking with the manager he or she will inform you of any positions available or any that will be upcoming. Submit the completed form and you should be contacted within 5 to 10 business days if there is any interest.

Download (PDF, 743KB)

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