Download Sephora Job Application Form | Adobe PDF

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Sephora Job Application Form | Adobe PDF

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The Sephora job application allows a person to see if his or her credentials meet the requirements to be employed for any position. From the time the form is submitted to the time of hiring is approximately one (1) week.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Complete the Form – You may fill it out either on their website, or download (recommended) and complete by typing it in on your computer or after printing out. Keep in mind when finishing the form to do the following;

  • Make yourself as available as possible.
  • Put down references that will give good advice about your talents and people that are available.
  • Write down previous jobs in retail.

Step 2 – Find a Location – If you are going to be applying in person it is a good idea to dress up and go to the store desired to work. If applying online, see the available positions.

Step 3 – Go In-Store – Try to go inside a location during the hours that are the least busy (morning) and ask to speak with the manager or someone in charge of hiring. You may have to wait but someone will be able to assist you and let you know what the openings are presently.

Typically if the manager has interest, he or she will contact you within 2 to 3 days.

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