Download New Mexico Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

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New Mexico Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

Download free New Mexico lease agreements that create a contract between a person that is seeking to rent property from another in return for rental payments. The documents may be modified to fit the agreed terms of both parties and the forms become legal once they have been authorized by both lessor and lessee. If either party has any questions they should read the New Mexico Landlord Tenant Laws.

  • Rental Application – Used for landlords and property managers to help verify potential tenants before entering into a binding lease agreement. A lessor will want to verify the following:
    • Credit history.
    • Previous relationships with prior landlords.
    • Employment history.
    • References

    A typical examination doesn’t take more than 72 hours and the applicant may have to pay a non-refundable fee.

  • Standard Residential Agreement – Used to lease property from one party to another in exchange for monthly rent. The payments made are negotiable between the landlord and/or landlord’s representative and the tenant and after agreeing it etched into a contract. It is recommended that all potential lessee’s be verified that he or she can pay the monthly amount through an application. The standard term for an agreement is twelve (12) months.
  • Month to Month – Otherwise referred to as a tenancy at will allows for a landlord and tenant to come to a binding contract for the use of residential property without an end date. When terminating the lease, the parties must grant at least thirty (30) days’ notice to one another with written notice.
  • Farm – Provided by the New Mexico State University to provide a generic template for farmers and landlords to come to an agreement over the use of land for agriculture.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – If the term is one (1) year or more there is no limit but if it is for less than a year then it can only be one (1) months’ rent
    • Returning to Tenant – Must be given back within thirty (30) days from the last day in the agreement
  • Access – Landlord must provide at least twenty-four (24) hours notice to tenant before entering

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