Download Alaska Name Change Forms

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Alaska Name Change Forms

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This is a guide on how you may change your name in the state of Alaska legally. You should only do a name change in Alaska if you plan to reside (live) in Alaska for a long period of time; otherwise it can be a huge waste of time. It’s wise to petition for a name change in this state as soon as you begin to live here versus you being in the moving process; that makes it highly likely that your petition will be denied. As it states in the Statute 45.50.125 of the Alaska Legislature a person must be a resident of Alaska for 6 months, and of in 18 years old of age to go through the steps of a name change.

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  • Step 1

So the first step is to be 18 or over; and residing in Alaska for at least 6 months before being able to fill out a petition for a name change.

You can fill in the form online; or you can go pick it up at your local county clerks office; you have to be sure to fill this form out in Black Ink Only. Get this petition authorized by a notary public. Bring all personal information as it will be needed; if its in regards to changing your name from marriage or divorcing be sure to bring in all information in regards to that as well.

  • Step 2

You may now file your petition; you need to do this at Superior Court near you. Please be aware that there is an $150 processing fee in order to file your petition. Once filed the county clerks office will send you by email the Order for Hearing Publication and Posting known as the CIV-701. Your court hearing should be within 40 days of filing your petition; so following the instructions in the CIV-701 immediately would be wise. Its a form that basically states you must make your name change public by placing an ad in your local newspaper; your required to keep the ad going for 4 continuous weeks straight. Please keep in mind this is a requirement; that you should definitely get this done as soon as you get the email from the county clerk.

  • Step 3

Once you’ve successfully had your ad out there for the required time in the newspaper; you will receive an Affidavit of Publication from them. About now it should be hearing time; keep in mind if married or divorced you will most likely not be having a hearing; but if you do the judge will just be interested in why you are wanting to change your name in general. If the judge finds that everything is done correctly he or she will than approve it, and you will receive your Certificate of Name Change.

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