Download Tennessee Power of Attorney Forms

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Tennessee Power of Attorney Forms

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Use the Tennessee power of attorney documents to authorize a person to be able to represent your best interests for either medical or financial related decision making. The agent selected must always act in the other person’s best interests, and in some cases has a fiduciary duty, and he or she must transfer all financial proceeds (if any) to the principal.

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Form Descriptions

General ($) – Also referred to as the ‘durable’ version, allows a resident to be able to choose another person to handle any type of financial related matter or decision on their behalf. The form must be completed and authorized in accordance with State law (Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act).

Medical – Allows a person to be able to create a health care surrogate to have the power to make any and all decisions in relation to medical treatment options. The form does not become active until it has been completed, notarized, and the person being represented is in a state of mind where he or she can no longer make decisions for their well being (incapacitated). See Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Laws.

Tax  – Allows a person to select a tax professional to handle their filing with the Tennessee Department of Revenue. This requires that the person being chosen is a tax attorney or Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Be sure to choose someone that is knowledgeable in the State tax code as the Principal is still liable for any and all mistakes made on the filing.

Vehicle – Allows a person to be able to sell a vehicle on behalf of someone else that is located in the State. All proceeds and negotiations must be to the benefit of the Seller. In order to make this form legal it must be completed by the Principal and signed with a Notary present.

Limited ($) – If a person would like to designate specified or restricted powers to act in the presence of their financial interests then this document should be completed. It ensures that the agent selected may only carry out the items listed and once it is completed or at a particular date the document becomes void.

Care of Minor – For the limited care of a minor child without the use of going through the courts. This form must be notarized with the natural parent present and the person selected may use the designation to handle the child’s education and medical decisions.


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