Download Minnesota Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Minnesota Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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In the state of Minnesota, tax preparation professionals who are approved for electronic filing by the IRS are approved automatically to submit electronic returns for Minnesota. No other approval process is required. Any tax preparation specialist who would expect to prepare 10 or more returns must file all individual return electronically or be assessed a $5.00 fee for processing unless it is required that the return be filed on paper.

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Tax Brackets

The state of Minnesota has six marginal tax brackets.  These tax brackets range from the lowest Minnesota tax bracket of 5.35% to the highest bracket at 7.85%. All rates will apply only to earnings that are within each tax bracket. Refer to Minnesota’s most updated 2013 tax bracket.

Single Individuals Tax Bracket:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $24,270, you will pay 5.35% only
  • Earnings between $24,270.00 and $79,730, you will pay 7.05% + $1,298.45
  • Earnings over $79,730.00, you will pay 7.85% + $5,208.38

Married Couples Tax Bracket:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $35,480, you will pay 5.35% only
  • Earnings between $35,480.00 and $140,960, you will pay 7.05% + $1,898.18
  • Earnings over $140,960.00, you will pay 7.85% + $9,334.52


In the state of Minnesota, if you must pay by check, you need to send your tax payment with Form M13 Income Extension Payment no later than April 15. You will be allowed six-months extension time automatically and therefore must file your return no later than October 15. If you are serving as Military personnel in a presidentially declared combat zone you are allowed the same extension time to file and pay your state income taxes as would be allowed for federal taxes. When you file Form M1 enclose this form with a separate paper stating that you have been serving in a combat zone.

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address With or Without a Refund

  • Minnesota Individual Income Tax Mail Station 0010 St. Paul, MN 55145-0010


  • Minnesota Individual Income Tax PO Box 64037 – St. Paul, MN 55145-0037

Contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue

  • Website
  • Phone – 1(651) 556-3000
  • Individual Filings – E-Mail
  • Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Mon.- Fri.

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