Download Washington (State) LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Washington (State) LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Washington LLC articles of organization forms allow an individual to start a new company by filing with the Secretary of State either online or through a paper application. There is a filing fee associated on either route and all documentation should be submitted to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Business Name – Verify with the entity database that the name you have selected to setup the new LLC has not been previously taken. After entering your selected name the system will pull all related registered companies.

How to File

Option 1 – Apply Online This is the fastest and easiest way to create an LLC. A user will start by receiving an application number that can be used to return to the process at a later time. It will take about ten (10) minutes to input all the information such as the name, registered agent, and the mailing addresses for notifications. At completion you will be asked to pay the filing fee of $200.

Option 2 – Paper Filing – Download and complete the form below that best matches the type of company you are creating;

  • DomesticMost Popular – Any typical business that will have a principal office address within the State.
  • Professional – A company that has a special license from the State such as a medical or law office.
  • Foreign – A company located outside of Washington looking to do business within the State.

Attach the filing fee of $180 (Add $50 for expedited service) and make all checks payable to the Washington Secretary of State.

Send the payment along with the completed document to the following address:

Secretary of State
Corporation Division
801 Capitol Way S
PO Box 40234
Olympia WA 98504-0234



  • Apply for an EIN – This is a number provided free by the IRS and can be obtained online in about 10 to 15 minutes. After receiving your new company in the mail, you may apply for your Employment Identification Number so the company may participate in financial activities such as opening bank accounts and applying for credit cards.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – This form details the ownership interest and payout information for an LLC with multiple members. If there is one owner, this agreement should be completed to secure the it’s entity status.


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