Download Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Tennessee LLC Articles of Organization forms are used for setting up a company with the State. It may be filed online, E-Mail, or sent in the standard mail to the Secretary of State’s office.

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  • Check Name – It is advised that with any new entity being formed that the applicant check the name with the Secretary of State to make sure it has not already been taken.

How to File

A user may be able to apply online and pay the filing fee ($300) electronically with a credit card. The process should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete and when it is complete the newly formed LLC will arrive in the mail in about a week.

  • Option 2 – Standard Application

Choose the form that best fits your formation;

  • Domestic (Most Common) – For any company that will be primarily located in Tennessee.
  • Foreign – Use if the company you are forming is located outside the State.

Attach a check in the amount of $300* and send to:
Business Services Division
Tre Hargett, Secretary of State
State of Tennessee
312 Rosa L. Parks AVE, 6th Fl.
Nashville, TN 37243-1102

*If there are more than 6 members in the LLC, the applicant must add $50 per extra member with a limit of $3,000.

Contact Secretary of State


  • Apply for an EIN – It is recommended that with every LLC formed that a Tax ID number be obtained from the IRS. This will allow a person to be able get a bank account in the name of the company. You can apply online or through a paper filing.
  • Operating Agreement – This form provides protection to a single owner by providing extra proof that the company os more than just a shield to place assets and taxes. Also, if there is more than one (1) owner in the LLC, it states the details of ownership and capital investment to protect the members.


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