Download Project Timeline Templates

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Project Timeline Templates

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The project timeline templates that may show history of events or help plan projects in the future. Download free in the following formats: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt), Excel (.xls), and Word (.doc).

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  • Standard Project Timeline – Automatically pulls the date from your computer and allows you to create milestones and objectives for future dates. Download free in Microsoft Excel (.xls) and after completion send to members of your team to notify them of specific dates.
  • 1-Week Project Timeline – Use this  template  to plan a business project that will be over a one (1) week timeline.
  • Business Plan Timeline – Plan ahead a business plan and make goals for key dates at which specific parts of a project should be complete.
  • Project Management Timeline – Use this template to manage a team and all be on the same page when it comes to project goals and milestones. This template automatically stays current with the time and date by pulling it from your computer so other team members can stay present on what is or is not going on.
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