Download Kentucky Divorce Forms and Papers

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Kentucky Divorce Forms and Papers

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Kentucky divorce papers may be filed if one or both spouses must have been a state resident for at least 6 months. If the marriage has produced children still in their minority, the process can be difficult, and is best not attempted without professional legal help.

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Otherwise, it is relatively simple in this state and can easily be accomplished without a lawyer if two (2) conditions are met;

  1. The spouses, even though they no longer wish to remain married, are able to work together calmly and cooperatively to complete some paperwork.
  2. The parties is that they are largely in agreement in how to split their assets and liabilities.

How to File For Divorce

Step 1 – If there are no minor children, the first step is for the spouses to decide who will be the filing spouse and who will be the defendant. The first three forms to fill out are the;

They must be filed with your county’s Circuit Court Clerk’s Office. A fee of $113 must be paid at the time of the filing; the fee changes from time to time, so it may turn out to be a bit more.

Step 2 – The filing partner must then meet with the other spouse, and give him or her a copy of the Summons. Then, together, you must fill out three more forms from the Kentucky Divorce Papers. They are the;

  • Marital Settlement Agreement | Adobe PDF | Microsoft Word – Successfully getting past the Marital Settlement Agreement is the most difficult part of the whole process, because it is here that you set down the financial underpinnings of the divorce. You must decide on how to split assets such as the house, the car and the bank accounts. You must also decide on who will be responsible for the credit card debt and any loans. These three (3) forms must be filed, again, with the Clerk, within 30 days of the initial filing.
  • Entry of Appearance Waiver
  • Mandatory Case Disclosure

After you and your spouse have been separated for at least 60 days, you may file the last two forms. They are the;

In Kentucky, there is no hearing. If no unusual problems crop up, the divorce will be approved, and you will receive the Decree of Dissolution by mail. At this time the divorce is complete.

Individual Forms

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