Download Iowa Divorce Forms and Papers

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Iowa Divorce Forms and Papers

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To file Iowa divorce papers, it is a requirement that one or both of the spouses must have been a state resident for at least a year, and the process generally takes between 3 to 6 months to complete. In Iowa, it is often possible for a couple to accomplish the divorce without the aid of attorney. For this to be possible, the two spouses must both agree on the desirability of divorcing. They must also be in agreement on financial arrangements, and on matters relating to the children, if there are any. Most importantly, the spouses must be able to work together constructively for this one last time.

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How to File

The first step is to decide which one of the two spouses to file for divorce; it makes no difference which one. He or she begins by downloading the

The next step for the filing partner is to make four copies of each form and file them with your County Judicial Clerk’s Office (Find in Your Area). The fee, subject to change, is $185. You must now mail the stamped forms you will receive from the clerk to non-filing partner.

If the marriage has produced children who are still minors, you must now inquire with the Clerk about Parenting Classes, which you and your spouse must take to earn a certificate, and which will be necessary for the divorce to be completed. You and your spouse must also complete a Child Support Guidelines Chart. This is a necessary first step to produce and file the Child Support Worksheet Notice.

The last step involves each spouse to produce and file the Confidential Information Sheet and the Divorce Decree. Doing so also means that you have, in effect applied for your court hearing date. At the hearing, the Judge will make sure the paperwork you and your spouse have dutifully produced is to his or her satisfaction, and that there have been no changes since the time of the forms’ production. If all is in order, the Judge will sign the Divorce Decree, and the process is complete; you are now divorced.

Individual Forms


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