Download Maryland Divorce Papers and Forms

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Maryland Divorce Papers and Forms

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The Maryland divorce papers may only be filed  if you or your spouse have been a state resident for at least a year. The forms should only b used by couples who are in general agreement on most of the assets and liabilities that will be split.

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How to File

Step 1 – One of the spouses must take the initiative and be the Plaintiff which involves completing  most of the forms. The first set involves;

Of particular importance is the Marital Settlement Agreement, it is in this form that the spouses detail how to divide assets and liabilities. If you and your spouse can get by this part, the rest of the divorce is basically just clerical work.

Step 2 – File the forms with the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office. Depending on the particular county, the fee ranges between $80 and $135.

Step 3 – On completing this filing you will receive a Writ of Summons. Anyone but you can serve this writ to your spouse, and she or he will fill out the Affidavit of Service when the task has been accomplished. Then, file the Writ of Summons and the Affidavit of Service with the clerk.

Step 4 – The next step is for the Defendant, or non-filing spouse to fill out three forms;

These forms must be filed with the clerk’s office.

Step 5 – At this point, you are now ready to ask for a Court Hearing Date. You do so by filing the Request for Hearing or Proceeding. Both of you will be notified of the date for the Court Hearing by the clerk.

Step 6 – Go to the court hearing. Upon arriving, it is important to bring any and all forms as well as that have been completed through the process as well as the Judgment.

Upon the Judge signing the Judgment the divorce is complete.

Individual Forms


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