Download New Hampshire Divorce Forms and Papers

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New Hampshire Divorce Forms and Papers

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The New Hampshire divorce forms allow a couple to file for a dissolution of marriage. The grounds for a no-fault divorce should be filed under the standard “irreconcilable differences” and at least one (1) of the spouses must have been a resident for at least one (1) year.

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How to File For Divorce

Step 1 – If both spouses are in agreement, they should complete the following forms;

If you are filing as an individual, you will want to select the Standard Petition for Divorce along with the Personal Data Sheet.

Step 2 – After you have filed the court will setup a First Apearance Session. This is where a representative of the court, usually a Judge or Master, will speak to both spouses about their best route for divorce. The mediation forms that pertain to your dissolution should be brought to the session as the representative will go over their role and importance through the proces.

Step 3 – After the session, you will need to file the following documents with the clerk;

Step 4 – After filing the Judge may decide that a hearing is not necessary if both parties are in agreement. At this point the Judge will authorize the final decree, and the divorce will be final.


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