Download I-693 Form Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

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I-693 Form Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

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The purpose of Form I-693 is to report results and findings of medical testing to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. When one is applying for U.S Citizenship it must be determined that you are not inadmissible on the grounds of threat to public health. The results of your examination will remain confidential.

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You will be solely responsible for reporting all of your medical findings. Failure to do so may result in denial of your opportunity for citizenship in the U.S.

How to Complete

Step 1 – Study Form Instructions – It will be very important that you take the time to study the instructions with regard to the completion of these forms and collect the appropriate documentation. Be certain that you fully understand what is required prior to completion of the forms.

Step 2 – Complete All Medical Testing and Forms – Schedule a medical examination with a civil surgeon and collect results. Do not sign your forms before the civil surgeon.

Step 3 – Report Results and Provide Completed Form – The civil surgeon is required to provide your results in a sealed envelope. Anything less will be returned to you. Form I 693 should be included in that envelope as well. Once you’ve received it, return the sealed envelope to USCIS.

Be certain to carefully read all instructions and follow them exactly to avoid denial or delays.

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